Thursday, July 31, 2014

Travel & Fitness 旅行与体能

Starting 2008, I fell in love with travelling. From 2008 and 2012, I have traveled many places in the world already. During this period my traveling methods were walking sightseeing, rental car, etc... activities which did not required a high level of fitness.

Machu Picchu of Peru has been a place I always wanted to visit. And getting there with a train ride is not an option because I would love to hike the Inca Trail to experience how to get to Machu Picchu though the mountains just like the people hundreds years ago. Inca Trail is a 4 day 3 nights journey. Everyday is a 7 to 8 hours strenuous hike consists with mountains and jungles. The highest elevation is 4200 meters. Camping is required and no showers (for me at least) because the temperature at night is very cold. Before Machu Picchu, I had NEVER done camping nor long distance hiking. I was not sure if I even would like it. Also, I was always a couch potato and never did any workout or regular outdoor activities.

January 2012, I had made up my mind to book my ticket to Peru and Ecuador in July for 3 weeks. It was the longest vacation. I had 6 months to prepare for this vacation. I needed to increase my fitness. It was a coincidence that a friend referred us for a gym membership. So I made up my mind joined right away. For the love of travel, for the love of experience the travel in a new way, I worked out at least 4 times a week. I could see my fitness was improving so much and I lost weight in a healthy way without dieting.

When July came, I enjoyed every minute of my trip. I hiked the Inca Trail! It was so tough, I complained but I loved it! When you try your best see get what you wanted (in my case was the beautiful views and experiences), all you feel is achievement. I still remember that day sitting in the above cloud mountain, looking at the beautiful view, I was happy, I felt like I can do anything I want. And this feeling has "embedded" to my brain like I am a microchip. I became more determined and know what I want for myself and not influence much by others. I am grateful I discovered this at my age.

If it was not for the Machu Picchu experience in 2012, I probably not done as much the last two years. Since then, I hiked and camped long trip, I mountain biked at the Atlas mountains in Morocco, I rode camel in Sahara Dessert, I just got scuba diving certified. Looking back, I can never imagine I can do so much. Travelling have change my fitness, and fitness have change my travelling. All I need to do just keep it going. We only have one body, and I need to take good care of mine to experience the world.

Next time anyone travel, I recommend to challenge oneself and do something new. After all, it will only be a gain.



2012年1月,我已经下定了决心买票游秘鲁和厄瓜多尔月3礼拜。这是我最长的假期。那时我还有6个月做准备:就是要提高我的体能。有个朋友正巧介绍我们加入健身中心, 我立即下定决心加入了。对旅行的热爱,为了体验旅行新方式,我每周至少4次健身。健身减重不节食,我体能也提高了许多。




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