Thursday, July 31, 2014

Travel & Fitness 旅行与体能

Starting 2008, I fell in love with travelling. From 2008 and 2012, I have traveled many places in the world already. During this period my traveling methods were walking sightseeing, rental car, etc... activities which did not required a high level of fitness.

Machu Picchu of Peru has been a place I always wanted to visit. And getting there with a train ride is not an option because I would love to hike the Inca Trail to experience how to get to Machu Picchu though the mountains just like the people hundreds years ago. Inca Trail is a 4 day 3 nights journey. Everyday is a 7 to 8 hours strenuous hike consists with mountains and jungles. The highest elevation is 4200 meters. Camping is required and no showers (for me at least) because the temperature at night is very cold. Before Machu Picchu, I had NEVER done camping nor long distance hiking. I was not sure if I even would like it. Also, I was always a couch potato and never did any workout or regular outdoor activities.

January 2012, I had made up my mind to book my ticket to Peru and Ecuador in July for 3 weeks. It was the longest vacation. I had 6 months to prepare for this vacation. I needed to increase my fitness. It was a coincidence that a friend referred us for a gym membership. So I made up my mind joined right away. For the love of travel, for the love of experience the travel in a new way, I worked out at least 4 times a week. I could see my fitness was improving so much and I lost weight in a healthy way without dieting.

When July came, I enjoyed every minute of my trip. I hiked the Inca Trail! It was so tough, I complained but I loved it! When you try your best see get what you wanted (in my case was the beautiful views and experiences), all you feel is achievement. I still remember that day sitting in the above cloud mountain, looking at the beautiful view, I was happy, I felt like I can do anything I want. And this feeling has "embedded" to my brain like I am a microchip. I became more determined and know what I want for myself and not influence much by others. I am grateful I discovered this at my age.

If it was not for the Machu Picchu experience in 2012, I probably not done as much the last two years. Since then, I hiked and camped long trip, I mountain biked at the Atlas mountains in Morocco, I rode camel in Sahara Dessert, I just got scuba diving certified. Looking back, I can never imagine I can do so much. Travelling have change my fitness, and fitness have change my travelling. All I need to do just keep it going. We only have one body, and I need to take good care of mine to experience the world.

Next time anyone travel, I recommend to challenge oneself and do something new. After all, it will only be a gain.



2012年1月,我已经下定了决心买票游秘鲁和厄瓜多尔月3礼拜。这是我最长的假期。那时我还有6个月做准备:就是要提高我的体能。有个朋友正巧介绍我们加入健身中心, 我立即下定决心加入了。对旅行的热爱,为了体验旅行新方式,我每周至少4次健身。健身减重不节食,我体能也提高了许多。




Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Masked booby 橙嘴蓝脸鲣鸟

Masked booby, a seabird looks like he's wearing a mask, like the superheros.
Adult (yellow peak) and chick look totally different. Our tour guide Washington explained that Mothers lay two eggs, several days apart. Two eggs are laid so that if one gets destroyed or eaten, or the first chick dies soon after hatching, the second egg will be the backup. If both eggs hatch, the elder chick pushes its sibling out of the nest area, leaving it to die of thirst or cold. Talk about survival of the fittest. 
There are 3 kinds of boobies in the Galapagos, red-footed boobies, blue-footed boobies and masked boobies.
@Genovesa Island of the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

拍于 厄瓜多尔 加拉帕戈斯岛群 Genovesa岛。

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Blue Footed Booby 蓝脚鲣鸟

Blue Footed Booby 蓝脚鲣鸟
There are 3 kinds of boobies in the Galapagos, red-footed boobies, blue-footed boobies and masked boobies.
@Elizabeth Bay of the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

拍于 厄瓜多尔 加拉帕戈斯岛群 Elizabeth Bay。

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Red-footed Booby 红脚鲣鸟

Red-footed booby, a seabird with red foot and pastel blue-pink beak. Yes, it is really the cute bubble gum pastel colors.
There are 3 kinds of boobies in the Galapagos, red-footed boobies, blue-footed boobies and masked boobies.
@Genovesa Island of the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

拍于 厄瓜多尔 加拉帕戈斯岛群 Genovesa岛。

Kindness on the Road 出路遇贵人

It's full of people out there. You encounter people everyday. While independence is great for travelling, it is possible that you need help sometimes. Here are a few examples of my kindness on road experiences:

1. Florida Keys rowing mother-daughter: Because we were rowing, it was difficult to have pictures with us tow together with the boat. The mother-daughter ladies offered to take pictures and email to us.

2. Chinese international student in Germany: I don't speak German, so it is very nice to meet people speak English or Chinese in Germany. On my flight from Karlsschule Germany to Rome, I met this Chinese student and we had dinner in Rome, explored the city together, and share pictures.

3. Mother-Son in Grand Lake, Rocky Mountain Nation Park: The three of us met mother-son at a laundry room in a private campsite. We talked about our 5 day hiking loop and we met the next morning, the mom offer us a ride to the trail head. We saved so much time and a few miles of hike!!

4. Family of 5 in Wild Basin Trailhead Rocky Mountain Nation Park: Because too much of snow (July) , ice and too difficult, we had to end our hike at day 4. By the time we found a way out to any trailhead, we had hiked over 10 hours and no lunch. This trailhead is at least 30 minutes drive from our car. We had to hitchhike. The first person I asked refused. Then I asked a family of husband, wife and 3 kids. Our car was even further than their destination, but the they kindly agreed to help. I am so grateful for that. In the car, the father told me that he was in my situation before so he was willing to help.I also found out that their dream places to visit is Machu Picchu and Galapagos. I have been there, so we exchanged contacts and I sent them my travel itinerary. We both felt that it was destiny that we met because I never know I would be in this trailhead.

When need help in the journey, don't be afraid to ask. The chance of NO is only 50/50 and there are still kind people everywhere.





四)落山基国家公园五口家庭:由于七月还有很多雪冰,我们在第四天中断了行程。走了十几个小时没有吃任何食物,终于到了一个出口。那地点离我们车还有30分钟车程。没有办法,只能问人搭顺风车。第一个说不行。问第二辆车是夫妇跟三个小孩。我们要去的地方比他们的目的地更远。好心的他们答应了。我真的很感谢。好心爸爸答应是因为他以前背包有次也要中断,也了解我们的心情。途中聊到他们想游Machu Picchu 和 Galapagos,我答应把我的行程寄给他们。谁会知道我们会中断而在这一个出口遇到好心人,这就是巧合的缘分。


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Travel Companions 旅伴

You will meet a lot of people while travelling, but your travel companions are most related to your journey. This month I just got back from Rocky Mountain National Park with two colleagues. The short five days four nights hiking and backcountry camping experience allow us to get to know each other a little more and I have learned quite a lot:

1. Travel companions help each other in many ways from taking photos, someone to talk sometimes, share work and tasks during camping. It is much easier and safer compare to travel-adventure solo.

2. But you can't depend on travel companions. They are not obligate to help all the time. So learning independent is very important. Always prepare for the unexpected.

3. Travel companions will definitely push your boundary. This is a good thing. No one wants to have an unpleasant trip, so you need to control negative emotions. We had to hike more than 50 miles in this hiking climbing trip. It required tremendous amount of physical strength. I learned that I need to improve my body strength for future strenuous hikes.

4. I learned that there is one person in this world would tolerate and accommodate me unconditionally. I am truly grateful. I couldn't wait to go home to him.

旅行时会遇到很多人,但和你旅途最密切的是你的旅伴。这个月和两位不太熟的同事去美国丹佛 Rocky Mountain Nation Park 国家公园露营。在这五天四晚的远足登山各自认识。其中我学到了很多:





Thursday, July 17, 2014

Magnificent Frigatebird 麗色軍艦鳥

This is the Magnificent Frigatebird spotted in Genovesa Island of the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador. Red floated balloon throat pouch one is male. It is acting "handsome and strong" in front of the lady bird in order to breed. I was lucky enough to visit in Summer 2012 and see wildlife up close.

在厄瓜多尔 加拉帕戈斯岛 发现 “麗色軍艦鳥”。红喉囊咕咕象气球的是男的。它装着一副壮丽强壮的样只为红颜。我很幸运在2012年夏天岛游,近距离看到了很多野生动物。